front page / Product introduction Home / Ceramic industry / Electronic ceramics / Electronic ceramic firing medium temperature pusher kiln
company address:No. 49, Zhizheng Road, Yixing and Bridge Town Industrial Park
Sales phone:0510-81701121 68999868
Mail:yytly@yxyyt.com cjy@yxyyt.com
Contact:Mr. Chen 13861491755 (WeChat is the same number)
Ms. Yang 13706151475 (WeChat is the same number)

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Su ICP 备 09029640 号 @ 2009-2022 Yixing City sunny Furnace Industry Co., Ltd.Copyright Not allowable to reprint
Address: No. 49, Zhizheng Road, Industrial Park, Yixing City, Yixing City Tel: 0510-81701121 0510-68999868 Mr. Chen 13861491755